Codes - General Building, Electrical, Plumbing
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Check : A Field Guide to Building a Safe House (Code Check, 3rd Ed)
by Redwood Kardon
This latest edition emphasizes life-safety principles underlying
building codes and reflects major changes in the International Residential
Code. The spiral-bound Code Check series, with durable laminated
pages, is designed to be used on-site for quick reference, is endorsed by
the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) and is
completely updated for year 2000 code requirements.
Check Electrical : A Field Guide to Wiring a Safe House (Code Check :
Electrical, 2nd Ed)
by Redwood Kardon
With extensive information on electrical code requirements and the
principles behind them, Code Check: Electrical summarizes national
and international electrical code specifications. The spiral-bound Code
Check series, with durable laminated pages, is designed to be used on-site
for quick reference and is endorsed by the International Conference of
Building Officials (ICBO).
Check Plumbing : A Field Guide to the Plumbing Codes (Code Check :
Plumbing, 1st Ed)
by Redwood Kardon
Clear explanations of plumbing codes are accompanied by the reasons
behind them. Text and drawings reflect the new International Residential
Code requirements for plumbing. The spiral-bound Code Check series,
with durable laminated pages, is designed to be used on-site for quick
reference, and is endorsed by the International Conference of Building
Officials (ICBO).
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