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garage door header for 3 story homeFrom: sddnm@yahoo.com Category: Architecture and Building Design Email: sddnm@yahoo.com Remote Name: Date: 02 Apr 2007 Time: 09:44 PM
CommentsI am building a two story home over a full garage, for a total of three floors. Dimensions are 22x26 feet. The garage is 8-inch block. I left a 16-foot opening for the garage door in the 22-foot wall, in the center. I need to install a header beam over the garage door and wondered if I could use a laminated beam and what size or if I should go with steel and what size. The floors above are traditional joists hung from beams spanning the 26 foot length. 12 feet in from the garage door opening I have a steel beam that the floor joists lay on for support. They will also need to be supported by the 16 foot garage door header. Your advice and help is greatly appriciated.