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Roof/Chimney LeakFrom: wolfwj3@sbcglobal.net Category: Roofing Email: wolfwj3@sbcglobal.net Remote Name: Date: 22 Mar 2007 Time: 05:38 AM
CommentsThere is a roof leak around the chimney. First reflashed and this doesn't look to be the source of the problem. Second installed a new chimney cap and inspected and point tucked mortar on the chimney from the cap to the roof line. The roof cap looks good. Its hard to tell if the mortar is the problem but generally it looks ok. This also did not stop the problem. I have now spent a considerable amount of effort and time on this but have not solved the problem. In the attic, it is not clear where the water is coming in but there is starting to be damage to the roof planking and there is a small bit of mold forming at the roof line that is visible.
What would you suggest as the next step to take?