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Removing support Wall to expand LR, need beam specsFrom: fantazyland@yahoo.com Category: Structural Email: fantazyland@yahoo.com Remote Name: Date: 24 Jan 2007 Time: 09:48 AM
CommentsI live in a Modified A-Frame home with steel frame construction built by ALH building systems in 1975(http://www.alh-building.com/ The 2 story outside walls and the roof are supported by steel beams (approx 4"x 12" C channel). Hence the upstairs walls are non-load bearing, but the downstairs walls are load bearing. On the lower level there is a load bearing wall I would like to remove to make 2 small rooms into 1 large living room. the space above is 2 bedrooms. I do not know the joist sizes and spacing above this wall, but assume they meet abovr it. I would like to use a steel beam to support where this wall is currently. the span is 16 open feet (I plan on using steel adjustable support columns at each end pocketed into the walls). I'm not sure what type of beam (H, W, etc) would be best, or what size. I would like to keep my beam height to be 10" or less. Please advice, and let me know if you have any additional questions.