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Raising/Vaulting CeilingsFrom: the_stottlemyres@hotmail.com Category: Structural Email: the_stottlemyres@hotmail.com Remote Name: Date: 15 Jan 2007 Time: 09:54 PM
CommentsI would like to vault or at least raise the ceilings in part of my house. My house is 30' X 60' with a four sided (non-gabled) pretty low pitch roof (the roof is somewhere around 6' tall from the top of the joist to the peak). I have a "couple close roof" (or at least thats what I think its called). It has rafters on 16" center and 16' joists to tie the rafters together at the base of the rafters and the joists are tied together on the load bearing wall in the middle of the house. Just to make things a little more complicated, I would also like to remove the load bearing wall in the middle of the house to open things up. When I found the term "couple close roof" on the internet I also saw the term "collar roof". Their definition of a "collar roof" it that instead of the ties being at the base of the rafter it is about half way up the rafter. This "collar roof" is what I think I am wanting, and would allow me to raise the ceiling at least a couple of feet. Is it possible (and acceptable practice) to move the ties up the rafters (hopefully far enough to use just a single joist/tie instead of two separate one that are tied together in the middle) and remove the base ties? If so, then due to the fact that there would only be one joist, would there still need to be a supporting wall/header in the middle of the house? And finally what would be the size of the tie that is needed between the rafters? 2X10?