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Steel Beam SizingFrom: ackerman.tom@gmail.com Category: Structural Remote Name: Date: 16 Jun 2006 Time: 01:17 PM
CommentsI am building a detached garage. The dimensions are 32’ x 24’. There are two garage 9’ wide doors centered on one of the 32’ sides. The roof is gambrel and is to be stick built. The steep pitch is 30:12, the shallow is 4:12. The rafters will be 2 x 8 and spaced 16” O.C. along the 32’ side. There will be a 2 x 8 collar tie at the pitch transition and purlins attached to strong backs supported by block reinforced floor joists on the second floor. The second floor needs to support 10PSF dead load and 40PSF live load. I plan to span the building with a W10 x 22 steel beam across the 24’ dimension to support 16’ long 2x10 floor joist 16” O.C.. The beam will be supported at each end with a steel column. I based this off information found at the following link;
Using their formula: [Clear Span X Joist/2 X Vertical Factor]/1000 = Kips
I get [24 X 8 X 62] = 11.9Kips
Clear Span is the max unsupported span of the beam.
Joist/2 is ˝ the length of a floor joist.
Vertical Factor is a constant. They provided 2 values, 1 story = 62, 2 story = 124.
Using the table they provided indicates a W10 x 15 would be sufficient. I chose a W10 x 22 to be conservative. My question is, are these calculations correct, and if not what would the correct size beam be? I’m concerned that I may require an additional column in the center of the 24’ span similar to the column spacing in my basement. Please provide any pertinent calculations and/or supportive links/references.
Any help/advice you can offer is greatly appreciated.
Tom A.