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Re: modular home marriage and exterior wallsFrom: maintplus@cox.net Category: Building Codes and Zoning Remote Name: Date: 15 May 2005 Time: 10:17 AM
CommentsHi Frank, There is a differance in the quality, and the price you are buying. I honestly dont think in todays market that they are still building with exterior walss 24 on center. If you find one, stay away from it. It is trouble, you will find that it will warp the siding, you will see that the sheetrock or wallbord will warp on the inside. Back in the days, you found interior walls to be 2x4 and 2x3, some were even 2x2, this to keep the cost down plus it had no real weight on it from a big roof system.
In todays market, building codes or state codes has set the standards much higher as to what can go and be built in that state. THis being the case, the standard of quality is higher, 2x4 walls interior and exterior. You will find most on 16 centers, interior some are still on 24 centers, but not many. You will allso find that most have 1/2 osb plywood on the exteior regardless of the siding to give it strength, as well as keeping it racked while delevering to setup. Just when looking, ask what your getting. Spend a lttile more now, rather than alot later. Hope this helped