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TimberTech DeckFrom: pcwtrx@cableone.net Category: Decks Remote Name: Date: 29 Jun 2004 Time: 01:44 PM
CommentsMy TimberTech deck appears to be mildewing. This started about 3 months after installation. This deck is still creating tannin staining even though it is now about 1.5 years old. TimberTech reps have been out a couple of times but can't solve the problem. Anything that touches this deck (furnitue legs, gas hose from the grill, rugs, etc.) causes the deck to mildew in just a couple of days. How do I remove these stains and make my deck look nice again and keep these black mildew stains and brown tannin stains from reappearing? I would include a couple of pictures herewith but don't know if there is a way to do that.