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Re: Water in Basement under slabFrom: spencerdavis2000@yahoo.com Category: Drainage/Waterproofing Remote Name: Date: 17 May 2004 Time: 12:42 AM
Commentsright now, the only thing I can think of is getting a sump pump that is very quiet in its operation. Also, it possible to frame the sump pump area in and line it with sound proof material this seems to be more inexpensive.
then, just hook up a backup generator to the pump.
You sound very smart and determined, I think you could probably sell your investment and make a profit and use the gained knowledge to buy a plot of land in an area with different water tables (through doing soil tests)---build your dream home on a different plot of land using some of the profits from this project---since you General contracted it...or rent this property while living somewhere else if you cant get a decent price. You can always do a lease with option to buy---this way, they area responsible for anything that goes wrong with property; if they buy, you sell for a lot; if they dont, you keep every penny they gave you...