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Exterior wall header sizesFrom: gwk46@worldnet.att.net Category: Structural Remote Name: Date: 27 Mar 2003 Time: 04:20 PM
CommentsI am going to add a 12x18 porch addition to my detached garage, on grade slab. I am going to use sissor trusses the 18' length, the 12' width will extend from the existing garage. The 18' wall will be all windows, I would like to know if I can use 2-2x10 headers the full 18' length and use 2-2x4 studs between the windows? Also can I do the same on the 12' length walls also as these will be mostly windows. On one of the 12' walls there will be a 3' door and 2 windows, seeing as to match the existing garage the walls will be 7'3", can I make the header on this wall 2-2x8 with 1 top plate over the door area to fit a full size door here, to clear the eave?
Thank you for any help you can give..