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Re: repainting cedar exterior
Category: Painting and Wallcoverings
Remote Name:
Date: 28 Jan 2003
Time: 09:51 PM
Hi, I live in South Louisiana and have Cypress siding on over half of my house, and am in the process of repainting.
I have painted several times in the past twenty years, and have only had to clorox wash before painting, never in only a
few months time. I realize the woods are not the same, but if you check with your Glidden supplier, I feel he should be
able to provide you with a product to reduce or eliminate the discoloration. My problem has been mildew (and ocasionally,
Moss) but we used a product supplied by Glidden to reduce/eliminate the mildew. I suggest you talk to the supplier. If
you get no results, you may want to strip the paint, reseal, then paint with a better grade paint.