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Re: Creating an octagonal tray ceiling over a popcorn ceilingFrom: info@builderswebsource.com Category: Carpentry and Framing Remote Name: Date: 09 Nov 2002 Time: 12:30 PM
CommentsSince it would be too costly to raise your existing ceiling, you can lower the perimeter with a false ceiling, creating an octagonal soffit as you describe. This can be done by stick-framing in the shape, and dropping the perimeter by 6-9", assuming you have an existing 8' ceiling. You may also be able to install some low voltage recessed lighting at the same time. Once the stick framing is in, you simply cover it with drywall and finish off as appropriate. Crown moulding might be a nice added touch, especially in an octagonal pattern. If you decide to scrape off your existing popcorn ceiling, determine first whether it contains asbestos. Only a professional test can reveal this. If it does contain asbestos, then you'll want to avoid any disruption to the ceiling. In this case, we recommend covering the ceiling with another layer of drywall, locking in the asbestos so it can't crumble and become airborne. Builders Websource.