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Repair/replacing damaged supports rods on a banister
From: mbeacom@optimumdata.com
Category: Carpentry and Framing
Remote Name:
Date: 02 Nov 2002
Time: 08:40 AM
My dog just finished going through a "chewy" stage and several of
the thin vertical support posts (for lack of a better term), got pretty chewed
up. Several could just be sanded and refinished, but two of them actually have
small chunks missing. It there a way for a homeowner without a lot of knowledge
but with good basic tool skills to disassemble and replace of couple of the
vertical posts? Can one buy replacement posts? The house is 5 years old, typical
drywall type home in newer subdivision. I can see several little wooden caps on
top of the railing that hide screws and assume one could remove these to start
taking it apart, but I'm nervous there is something I'm overlooking, etc. Any
advice would be appreciated. Thanks!