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Re: Usable Space Under a Suspended Front PorchFrom: info@builderswebsource.com Category: Structural Remote Name: Date: 28 Oct 2002 Time: 02:05 AM
CommentsUnfortunately, the math isn't that simple. The size of a 24' beam depends on many factors, including the allowable deflection, distributed and point loads, seismic, wind and snow loads, plus any other special loads. Typically for spans this long, glulam beams and steel beams are more typical, depending on the load. Furthermore, microlam beams should never be exposed to moisture conditions. You must consult with a local licensed structural engineer who can determine all loads based on your as-built conditions and take into account any new foundation work that may be required to rescure your area under the cantelevered porch. In addition, proper drainage is essential to ensure that moisture doesn't permeate behind any new foundation footing/wall you install. Builders Websource.