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Support beam: steel vs woodFrom: medfire@attbi.com Category: Structural Remote Name: Date: 23 Oct 2002 Time: 02:22 PM
CommentsI have a few questions about a support beam I intend to place under my 2nd floor to eliminate a support post in my garage. The living area of my home is supported by posts in the garage which are about 10ft OC. The post support 2x12 headers which the floor joist rest on. I need to replace the headers with a single beam which will span the entire 19ft. These headers support the 2nd floor joists, exterior wall, and a portion of the roof load with asphalt shingles. There is no snow load as I am in the Dallas, TX area. A local dealer told me that his charts suggest a 5-1/4" x 14" Glulam beam for this application. I would like to compare the weight and cost of a steel beam but cannot find what size I-beam would carry an equivalent load of the Glulam. The beam would have to be put in place by 4 men so weight is certainly a factor. I intend to replace the existing wood posts with steel posts for support. Could you tell me the approximate size, weight, and cost comparisons of a steel beam for this application? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.