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Usable Space Under a Suspended Front PorchFrom: mdowdy@cstone.net Category: Foundations and Basements Remote Name: Date: 20 Oct 2002 Time: 04:00 PM
CommentsOur new home rests on a 10' Cinder Block foundation (17 courses of block above the footers). Our builder originally planned to fill the area under the front porch, but instead, he decided that he would suspend the porch because the fill would put too much pressure on the 17-course block wall. We now have over 200 sq. ft. of usable space under our porch, but we need know how to remove and re-support the internal block wall that is separating the basement from this front porch area. We would like to replace this wall with Microlam beams, but the section of wall that we want to remove is 24' long. Normally, the maximum distance that two 14" X 1.75" Microlam beams can span is 16'. If I double the Microlam beams, from two to four beams, can I double the distance or at least increase the distance by 50% to make the desired 24' opening?