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Re: Termites in 9 yr. old homeFrom: info@builderswebsource.com Category: Other/Misc Remote Name: Date: 30 Sep 2002 Time: 11:58 PM
CommentsThe mere presence of termites is not reason enought to back out of a contract to purchase a home. The fact is, most homes at one time or another will be infected by subterranean or drywood termites. If the home is only nine years old, chances are that the infestation is not too severe. If after further inspection there are no obvious signs of severe structural damage, we recommend that you have the house tented and fumigated. Fumigation usually costs a few thousand dollars and is most sure way to rid a structure of termites. However, nothing is permanent...and the termites could recolonize in the future (they likely will). Furthermore, you should be sure that the home has been built following good practices, such as not piling up dirt against the siding (which can provide a ready-made path for termites to enter the structure). Be sure that any dirt is at least 6-9 inches below any siding or stucco. Check for termite tubes. Also, check the attic for signs of drywood termites. You'll see wings, black specs, and possibly sawdust on the insulation. These are sure signs of termites. Often, the cost of termite repairs can be part of the offer on a house, requiring the seller to make necessary fixes. Bottom line is, if you like the home and the neighborhood, have the home fumigated and do some additoinal spot treatment in areas that are obviously affected. Then, enjoy your new home! Builders Websource.