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Re: Steel beam as headerFrom: info@builderswebsource.com Category: Structural Remote Name: Date: 28 Sep 2002 Time: 12:32 PM
CommentsYes. A steel beam could probably be used. However, in order to compute the load on the beam, more information is required. For example, is there a 2nd story above the garage? If so, the load calculation get more complex. If not, there must be a roof above the garage. If so, what's the pitch of the roof and the material? Is there any snow or wind load? If so, how much for your area? What is the total load from the roof and/or attic on this portion of the beam? All of these factors must be known in order to compute the size of the beam. The 2x8 you mentioned sounds woefully inadequate. Normally, most headers over a 5-foot opening will be typically 4x12 (sometimes can be doubled up 2x matieral). With a little more information, we can provide some better guidance. Builders Websource