Air-Conditioning?Heating Duct InstallationFrom: AthenaBRaven@aol.com Category: HVAC Remote Name: Date: 23 Sep 2002 Time: 09:50 PM
CommentsMy husband and I have recently purchased a home that needs quiet a bit of remodeling. Most things we have found are do-it-yourself jobs. What we didnt know how to do we have found on the internet. I have not been able to find anything about installing HVAC duct work. Is it possible for us to run the duct work ourselves or will we need to hire a contractor to do this. We want to save money on this, since it is extensive job, but do not want to "mess up" the work. I have found information on the different types of duct and read as much about it as possible. Could you maybe recommend a site of "how to" if there is one available?