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Re: Beam for load bearing wallFrom: info@builderswebsource.com Category: Structural Remote Name: Date: 19 Sep 2002 Time: 05:21 AM
CommentsA complete load analysis, including the second floor loads and any roof and wind loads would be required to compute the size of the beam. Your description is insufficient to make this analysis. However, when making a built-up beam, there should never be space between the 2x material, unless it's structural plywood. Even then, we recommend using construction adhesive between the members together with staggered thru-bolts with washers and nuts. The top 2x6 does not add any significant structural support since it would be stressed along the weak axis. Your project sounds reasonable, however, we urge you to contact a licensed structural engineer who can evaluate your actual as-built conditions, factoring in any live/dead loads, point loads or other roof loads that may impart some load on the beam. We always recommend erring on the side of "over engineering" to ensure a safe and stiff structure that has negligible deflection. Builders Websource.