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Re: Removing oil based paint off counter tops and linoleumFrom: info@builderswebsource.com Category: Painting and Wallcoverings Remote Name: Date: 11 Sep 2002 Time: 04:02 PM
CommentsMineral spirits usually does the job on oil (Alkyd) paint, particularly if the paint splatter is relatively fresh. Sometimes, you need to thoroughly saturate an area to soften it up...and use a mild nylon scrubbing pad to remove the resideue (such as a Dobie Pad). If you're really careful, sometimes a paint scraper or razor blade works well, but you need to be extremely attentive, working slowly and being sure not to cut into the lineoleum or scratch the countertop. If the paint is a latex, then try using Goof Off, which containes solutions that dissolve paint stains. In worst case, you could try a Paint Remover, which comes in gel and other solutions. This eats away at the paint, but could damage certain surfaces, so check the label and try a small, inconspicuous area first. Finally, you might ask the painter to clean it up for you. He may have some solvents you don't have. Sometimes lacquer thinner works too. Builders Websource.