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Re: LVL and I-joist exterior useFrom: info@builderswebsource.com Category: Structural Remote Name: Date: 06 Sep 2002 Time: 10:06 PM
CommentsLVLs and I-Joists are intended for interior use only. When exposed to the elements, such as in you proposed exterior deck, water and melting snow could cause delamination of the veneers and/or swelling of the OSB portion of the I-joist. LVL is finding its way into some limited exterior applications, such as door stiles, trim work and other non-structural applications where a primed and painted protection can be expected. However, we have also sent a special request to the APA to determine whether any manufacturers offer an exterior-grade LVL or I-joist. While we're not aware of any at the time, new products are always in development. We will post an update here and email you should we receive additional relevant information. Builders Websource.