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Deck Strength for a Hot Tub?From: tworley@rochester.rr.com Category: Decks Remote Name: Date: 31 Aug 2002 Time: 08:53 PM
CommentsI am planning a purchase of a Hot Tub with the following specs:
93" x 93" x 40"D
1,200 lb dry weight
500 gallon water capacity.
My decks specs are:
- 16' x 16'
- 6" x 6" Posts on 8' centers (6 of them located in the middle and outside edge of the deck)
- 2-2x12 Beams (on middle and outside edge) The part that is fixed to the house is hung with joist hangars only.
- 2x10" joist on 16" centers.
I'm planning to locate the tub near the house (the part that's supported by joist hangars).
I believe the hot tub will require ~ 80 PSF without any people.
Can you help me understand whether or not the deck is strong enough?