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Re: Supporting brick face when lifting houseFrom: info@builderswebsource.com Category: Foundations and Basements Remote Name: Date: 31 Aug 2002 Time: 03:41 PM
CommentsHouse lifting is a specialized trade that requires expertise in structural engineering and reinforcement practices. Your idea of removing one course of brick and supporting the facade with a "lintel" band might work well, particularly if the support is substantial and you install beefy lag bolts at regular intervals (such as every 16-24"). However, once you begin lifting the house itself, the brick facade is subject to cracking. Therefore, you may also require some plywood reinforcements on the outside face of the facade to keep the bricks from tumbling down. Due to the safety and structural considerations of house lifting, we strongly urge you to leave this job to a company specializing in this area. Builders Websource