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Steel Frame homeFrom: dawn7231@nyce.net Category: Structural Remote Name: Date: 30 Aug 2002 Time: 11:33 PM
CommentsI recently bought a ranch build in 1974. Durning my home inspection it was brought our attention that our was build with steel. The hole house is steel, interior beams as well. I have read on steel homes and see that they are thought of as best for many reasons. I have some questions. We feel our house is noisy (not sound proof at all) sound seems to carry easily between rooms. From what I have read about steel construction it should be the oposite. Why do you think it seems noiser?
2. Everyroom! the beams show through the paint, they look darker, dirty or smookey. Why do they come through the paint?? What can I do to stop it, I will be repainting soon.
3. Any suggestion to easily hang things to beams? Everytime I ask my husband to hang a curtain rod we need a special screw and if we don't use the beams we need mollies for everything.
4. And last, my hallway (Parquet) floor squeaks badly. From what I read one of the stell benefit is no squeeks, why do you think it squeeks?
5. One more, do you think my house is more energy effecient? and why? How can I tell?