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Re: Ceramic tile installationFrom: info@builderswebsource.com Category: Tile/Marble/Granite Remote Name: Date: 23 Aug 2002 Time: 12:49 AM
CommentsWe are not aware of a program that provide a random layout for you. However, to estimate how many tiles you'll need, we recommend that you draw up a basic pattern using the 3 shapes of tiles you mention. Simply add up the total square footage of this pattern, and divide into the total square footage of the room. Then add about 10% for scrap. From this, you should be able to "count" the approximate number of tiles you'll need to complete the job. It's always best to make sure you have a few extra on hand. Tile isn't too expensive, but your labor is! Plus, having some extras is great if you ever have to replace a cracked tile over the years. Builders Websource.