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Garage Center Beam OptionsFrom: Mbirdlebo@yahoo.com Category: Structural Remote Name: Date: 16 Aug 2002 Time: 02:58 PM
CommentsI am building a 30' x 40' garage. My design calls for a 40' 5x17 center beam with 6x6 center post. Ceiling joists are 2x10 on 16" centers, and rafters are 2x8, also on 16" centers. There is a 2x10 ridgeboard, with four supports approx 10' apart transferring roof loads to the center beam.
I built up a center beam from 3 2x12x20 members, with two 2x6x20 plates on top and two on the bottom to create a 5x17 beam. My building inspector says the 2x6's "don't count," so I need to strengthen the beam.
Will 3x3x.25 steel angles at top and bottom, welded with 4 equally spaced 2x.25 flat bars bolted top and bottom at 24" intervals through the 2x6s do the job for each of the 20' spans?
Would you suggest other alternatives?