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Re: New Home - Water In BasementFrom: info@builderswebsource.com Category: Drainage/Waterproofing Remote Name: Date: 07 Aug 2002 Time: 02:30 AM
CommentsYour suspcions are correct. Your contractor doesn't know what he is doing. If you're getting water into the basement of a new home, your basement was not properly waterproofed on the exterior...and I suspect there is no perimeter drainage (or the drainage is improperly installed). There is simply no excuse for this on a new home. I would immediately find out what kind of drainage system and exterior waterproofing techniques were used (if you can get a straight answer from the contractor). You may need to consult with a civil engineer who specilaizes in drainage issues. Also, please ready our technote on residential drainage and basement waterproofing. This will help a lot to explain what's going on. In any case, document everything you're doing, as you may to go to court to seek damages if your contractor doesn't fix the problem. While it is true that landscaping irrigation and improper grading can materially effect a basement moisture condition, a properly engineered plan would avoid this altogether through proper drainage and waterproofing membranes. Don't settle for a leaky basement! Builders Websource