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Putting an Endless Pool in a basement with French DrainsFrom: jvgallagher@yahoo.com Category: Structural Remote Name: Date: 03 Aug 2002 Time: 12:40 PM
CommentsSeveral years ago we solved a leaky basement problem by installing a french drain system around the entire inside perimeter of the basement. This involved cutting away the existing concrete floor about 18" from the cinderblock wall, installing the drainage pipes leading to a sump pump and then re-pouring the concrete. The new concrete is seperated from the wall by a plastic spacer so that there is a small gap for moisture leaking through the wall to drip into the drainage system.
We are thinking of buying an Endless Pool and putting it in our basement. An Endless Pool is a semiportable "swim in place" pool measuring about 14'x8' internal dimensions. It holds around 2,500 gallons of water and weighs a bit over 20,000 lbs.
Should I be concerned about that kind of weight cracking our basement floor?
Thanks, Jim Gallagher