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Re: reparing cracks in house foundationFrom: info@builderswebsource.com Category: Foundations and Basements Remote Name: Date: 23 Jul 2002 Time: 10:20 AM
CommentsYour foundation has a few minor, shallow cracks in need of repair. First, minor cracks are not always indicative of a serious structural problem. Sometimes very slight settling or shrinkage of the concrete during curing can cause hairline cracks. Unless you or a structural engineer can identify a clear cause of such cracks (such as soil upheaval, severe settling, etc.), we recommend that you monitor both the number of cracks, as well as any differential movement. Builders Websource offers an inexpensive device specifically suited for this type of measurement called a CrackMON. By fixing a CrackMON over each crack you want to track, you can periodicially inspect the crack for vertical and horizontal movement. If the crack is stable, you may not require any further remedy (other than possibly to seal the crack). If the crack is growing and there are other signs of structural stress (such as cracks in stucco, drywall, doors not closing, etc.), you may have soil problem, causing foundation settling. For more information on the CrackMON concrete crack monitor, please see: http://www.builderswebsource.com/tools/crackmonitor/crackmon.htm Builders Websource.