Opening up a late 1940's steel stud framed cape-cottage in MassachusettsFrom: masoodkhan@attbi.com Category: Alternative Building Techniques Remote Name: Date: 16 Jul 2002 Time: 07:40 PM
CommentsI have been meaning to start off on a home improvement project which inolves making at least one large opening in one of the walls of my late 1940's cape-cottage in Massachusetts. The ground floor of this home was built with welded steel studs (18 gauge channels) and I plan to remove a 4'-8" section of the outer wall between two windows, and the walls of the cills below these two windows to achieve a 12 foot wide walk-through opening. I would probably need to brace the new opening with additional steel bracing or a new steel rectangle mounted within the opening to help retain the present stiffness of the house.
The small-house construction trade is mostly 2 x 4 timber oriented. Do you think what I plan to do is do-able by the average contractor or do you think I am courting disaster?
Would appreciate some advice.