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Expansion of Back DoorFrom: JMa1007115@aol.com Category: Structural Remote Name: Date: 11 Jul 2002 Time: 09:51 PM
CommentsWe had the back door to our 2 story brick house enlarged into a sliding glass door. The door is on the first floor of our house. The contractor knocked out a section of bricks in the back of our house in order to make room for the wider sliding glass door. We had some later problems with the contractor on some other work that he did for us and now I am concerned that he may not have obtained a permit for the expansion of our door. I know that he installed a steel beam along the top of the new door as a header, but I am concerned (based on our other problems with him) that he may not have done a proper job and we may experience future structural damage. Do you have any thoughts on whether this is likely or about what signs I should look for which would indicate structural problems?