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Replacing a cinder block wall
From: ryan.ferguson@ps.net
Category: Foundations and Basements
Remote Name:
Date: 01 Feb 2002
Time: 09:02 AM
I want to replace a cinder block wall in my basement with a Steel I-beam. I
did not want to have any center supports, so the beam supplier recommended that
I use a 8X24 beam (6 1/2" X 8" X 3/8 thick) ( Beam is 13'3"
long). I plan on setting the beam between two existing cinder block walls. One
side will rest on the other half of my my center support wall, and the other
will rest on a perpendicular foundation wall. Here is my question: One side of
the beam will rest on 6 inches of cinder block and the other will rest in 4
inches of cinder block. Will the wall be strong enough to support that beam and
the weight of the house? My cousin who is a builder says it will...but I can't
understand how such a small area brick can hold that much weight.