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From: rskorney@si.rr.com
Category: Decks
Remote Name:
Date: 03 Jun 2001
Time: 02:30 PM
I'm planning on installing 5/4 mahogany decking on a deck frame that is
15'3"X 25'3". Approx. 385 sq. ft. I read that for each 100 sq. ft. of
deck, I would need 211 lin. ft. of 6" deck board. Is this correct? I'm
planning on installing the boards on a 45 degree bias. What percentage of the
total should I order extra for the boards being on the bias, and the waste? How
many lin. ft. total should I order? Also what spacing should I use between
boards, if the boards are seasoned and what spacing if the boards are not
seasoned. How can I tell seasoned from unseasoned without a moisture meter?