HVAC Ducts
From: qfactor@cableone.net
Category: HVAC
Remote Name:
Date: 24 May 2001
Time: 05:47 PM
My single story home (3 years old) has insulated flex duct in the attic that
feeds every room from the HVAC unit that is centrally located in the house. Each
flex duct is connected to the main fiberglass box duct. Each flex duct spans at
least 12 feet, and some are as much as 20 feet or more. It is a large house
(2600 sq ft). Can I get better performance from the HVAC if I replace the flex
duct with insulated metal duct? Would this be too costly to make it worth my
while? I have no real problems with the HVAC, I just want to improve
performance, cost efficiency, life span of the unit.